
venerdì 30 agosto 2013

Ma*rs A/w prew collection *o*

Hello lovelys^^!
Lately i see that more gayru brand are posting the new w/a collection; today i want post some pics from Ma*rs!
I expect that come out then other brands such as One Spo, Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge (although I know that there are already some liz lisa images).
About Ma*rs...i really really hate the model that was in Los Angeles ( don't rember the name)XD!! She seems me too old and not cute, Tomomi is  best U_U!

i love this swetheart*_*!!!

I like more thisc collection^_^!! i hope to find some of this on taobao XD!! eheheh

10 commenti:

  1. I love this collection :3. It`s so beautiful <3.I love the pink sweater and I`m sure it`s comfy :3. I want it...Kehehehe~Too bad I don`t know how to use a shopping service for taobao [[if I`m able to find it there]]. >.<

    1. for buy from taobao, i use taobao sprre, is a good service^^,i you want try, i advice it!!

      i want too all this stuff XD!!!

  2. Che bella questa collezione.. La adoro in tutto e x tutto!! Tu di solito da quale sito compri?

    1. è vero, è abbastanza diversa dall solita line adi Mars, ma mi piace moltissimo*_*!!

      Comprare dici le cose di ma*rs o in generale? in entrambi i casi dipende, solitamente taoao, anche se le cose di mars non le trovi facilemnete, altrimenti le aste su Mbok o Japan Action...ora ceh lo yen è basso conviene^w^

  3. this collection looks really good. My favourite is the black and white outfit. it's simple but nice♥

    1. you've right honey^^! this winter ther're a lot of blakXwhite ;)!

  4. I love the leopard sweater!! ^O^ <3 if you ever find it on taobao please let me know ^O^

  5. I really love this collection so much! I hope it also makes it to Taobao soon! Do you have any favorite Taobao stores you visit?

    1. i've a lot of link save in my pc..XD!! i like varius style so i've some shopo for liz lisa, one spo, ingni...and random shops whit cute stuff
