
venerdì 14 giugno 2013

Back to the dream -part 1-

I'm back!!  I leave tha Japan 2 days ago..i already want come back ç_ç!!!
This's one the best trip ever...i miss my frinds and this wonderfull place! Anyway....i'm hereU_U. I've a thousend of photo..you can chek on my FB.
It 'was a trip a bit unlucky at the beginning: I lost my Japan Rail pass, I did not want the ATM and credit card worked ... even though it was the best experience ever, too many things to talk about .. and the laugh!
I've seen people really fabulous, I wish everyone to see such beauty. Then ... of course ... all those who love Japan will be able to understand me!

We summarize briefly the stages of the journey, with a few photos: 

I really like this little city, one of my fav in this tripp. Is not central but is a really cute palce, full of life and young people. The firts nigt  found ourselves in one of the classic parties of the country, with the usual stalls that are seen throughout the manga / anime and TV series. Cute girl whit yukata, more couples..nyaaa...
I could not have a better start!

 and choco banana...so yummy!!

 And walking...i see you!!!!!
OMG!! i don't belive i my ayes*_*!
of course .. I went there the next night XD!

Pic spam of the shops


 one way..i think..


i don't find ma*rs and golds infinty store in my trip..i so sad ç_ç!!!

And the nigth...game center and purikura*_*!!

2- Shirakawa-go
this is really a wonderfull place, you seem to be transported back in time. Here you find the old village whit 
thatched houses, streams, wood mills, gardens, waterfalls ....really wonderfull!!
that day the heat was terrible .. I took a nice scalding XD


9 commenti:

  1. I missed you so much , but I`m very happy that you enjoyed your trip ! ^^ And the d.i.a store looks so good in that pic ;.;. Woah...I`m dying here ! >.< I can`t wait to go to Japan too in like 3...or 4 years (.-.-.). Show us more pics when you have time ! ^^

    1. arigato dear..you're really kind ç0ç!!! i'm really really enjoy in this trip, i've see so many wonderfull thing...i want show you >w<!!
      i wish you to go in Japan soo...now this period is good, yen is lower eheheh

      tomorrow i write the other post^0^!

    2. No need to thank me ! Well...I actually want to move in Japan in 3 or 4 years...but I`ll need a lot of money for that ~.~.
      Not really .___. . Yen exchanged from Romanian LEU is really high...so I think I first need to change it in dollar...but I don`t know what will happen until I`ll go/move there.
      Yaaaaaaaaaay ! <3 I can`t wait for that ! <3

    3. i can undestand you...but never give up ;)!! i'm sure that you'll go on day *0*!

  2. Invidiaaaaaaaaa >.< Ahahahhaah sono contenta tu ti sia divertita! Non vedo l'ora di andarci anch'io tra qualche anno ^^

    Ben tornata ;)

    1. ciao giadi, grazie^^!! è stato un vaiggio meraviglioso, davvero^^!!
      ti auguro davvero tanto di riuscire ad andare il più presto possibile, ne vale davvero la pena.
      Questa volta non mi sono potuta scatenare nell shopping come avrei voluto, ma ho avuto molto altre cose più belle da fare/vedere :P

  3. Che belle foto*^* ogni volta che vedo i viaggi delle altre ragazze in Giappone impazzisco!!! Non vedo l'ora di andarci... Commento in un unico post perchè mi sembra stupido commentare a pezzi ahhahaah Anche io voglio la macchina per le purikura in Italia... Ogni volta che vado in Germania/Japan Expo le faccio... Ma 15€ è tantino ;3; là quanto costano??

    1. grazie del commento cara^^!
      15 euro delle puri°_°!???!!! sono pazzi??? là costano 400 yen..più o meno 4 euro

      sei sul gruppo delle gayru italaine^^? ci conosciamo magari ^w^

    2. no non ne sapevo niente di un gruppo italiano!! Ho appena fatto il "grande passo" da 8 anni di lolita al gyaru quindi devo ancora ambientarmi bene!! Mi puoi passare per favore la comm? così almeno posso avere risposte ai mille dubbi che mi vengono ahahha!!
