
giovedì 20 giugno 2013

my shopping in Japan and purikura!!

Hi minna!!! How are you^^?
Finally today i make a post whit my shopping in japan; i've buy a few things, because of that problem with a credit card .... but in fact things were priced much ç_ç!
I don't ve find MA*rs store...maybe is better...but i'm happy to seeing and be entered into a store like Liz lisa, Ingni, dia, Ank rouge, Jouetie, etc.. and other no brand shops^_^!!

So..let's go!
  from Liz lisa..ald collection, so i've pay less ;)

i've buy this in Garula shop...but the tag is different...anyway..i like it!! i've see often this kind of dress worn by various shop staff
  My fav...Ank Rouge dress!! color peach...is absolutaly lovely*_*!! My first dress of this brand
                                                       Honey x Honey set...top+ shirt + nacklace

Random accessories from Paris kids

i wanted buy the shoes from liz lisa...but my number was sold in the color that i want...so i've find this other lovely..are really cute
  Some new lash.. Diamond lash and Decorative!! I totally in love of Decorative..are perfect*_*! And pink blush from Diamond  Beauty
Hair accessory from Daiso...all 100 yen!

some suvenirs

beauty stuff...for the skin :)
  and...food...these are the only ones I remembered to photograph before eating them all .. XD
  a new kokenshi...i love this doll^^!

 And this are the purikura that i've made whit my friend!! I really really love it..i want one of this in Italy ç_ç!!!

 And last...this's pics form last saturday...i was go out whit my friend, to see them and give them the gift...nothing of special, but i wanted try my new lash^^!

8 commenti:

  1. Nice gets~! I really love...everything :)). Everything is just too cute T~T.

  2. Love all the things you bought! *w* and wavy hair suits you so well :) beautiful

  3. Omgosh, I love your makeup! Have fun in Japan! It's an amazing country <3!

    Amanda Heinz

    1. thank dear^_^..this make up is really simply XD, but i'm glad that like you.

      For the Japan..you've right..is really wonderfull country*-*!!

  4. cute pictures♥ annd nice gets. I love the LL skirt:3

    1. arigato sweety^w^!!

      i love this LL skirt..is perfect for the sping^o^
