Today post i want make a little review of my latest lens, Geo Princess Mimi Sesame Gray; I buy this from Lense Village , my favorite shop or this ^^! I've more other lense, but i rellay like this pattern that i want buy the other color XD.
My collection of lense
I love Tsubasa, she's always wonderfull*__*!!
suit on me
My votes:
Quality: 5/5
Color: 5/5
Effect: 5/5
Enlargement: 5/5
I really raccomand you this lense*_*!!
Yestarday i was go in Milan for a little meet whit my favorite-gal :3!
We were few, too bad. but it was fun the same time. I've meet Mia-chan for the first time; she's so bauty and a sweet girl*_*!!
Jay and Margi are beautifull as usual, but can show yourself in the pic:
me e Jay
me and Mia look Ageha
All together!!
Was a wondefull day, ene if the wether was quite bad. I hope to meet again soon!! When beginnisn the summer sale in Milan i must go!! XD!! I've see more cute stuffs in Tally.ghghgh!
me back to face is so tired ,eehehe^^
So, finish for today^^! Please, leave a comment on your consideration and suggestion, i've really happy to read^^!
WOW! I love the lenses!!