
venerdì 10 maggio 2013

Ordinary days: some outfits and new Ma*rs stuff!

Hello cuties! 
New other updates today...lately i post often i see°°. I hope to not bored you >-<!
I don't have nothing of special to write or show you, this week is quite boring.
 This are 2 recent outfit, the first is himekaji/ mori inspire; finally i can wear my beloved western boots, i love this style where spring is coming. I went to have a snack whit my friends

 First icecrem of thi year...yummy!!

 Bluse: Berska
Short: Liz Lisa
Higth socks: terranova
Boots; Liz Lisa replica
Bag: terranova
Accessories: Claire

 Some detail:

This other is a random coord,  I do not know even if it can be called "gyaru", but ins't important, i like it^^!

 Shirt: Tally
Short: Bodyline
Bag: DreamV
Tatoo collant: offbrand
Shoes: offbrand

Today is arrived one pack with my last purchase.Is really my last pack , i promise >_<!!I could not resist when I found this dress, with one of my favorite prints, and which cost is so cheep!
I've buy some jowel too.

Ma*rs maxi (?) dress
i really love this print, but the other dress are too little for me. But this is ok, i really love it^^!Is perfect for the summer, you do think?

Ma*rs nackalace
Liz Lisa Flower earring
 when i see it, i con't resist to buy!! Are....perfect!!I want in all color now>_<!!

And ther're some pic of today, i couldn't resist to try on the dress, i hope to make best pic the next time.

My hair are still so short .. I want them long XD!!Super long! 

Is all for today, i don't want bore you again ;)!

21 commenti:

  1. Omg I love your new ma*rs dress! *_* envyyy! And the jewelry is super pretty too^^

    1. thanks Jojo^w^!! yes, i relly love the dress, is simply but the prints is beautfull; i think that you can find it easily, if you like it^^!

      ma*rs jawels are always beautiful, yeah^^!

  2. Ti sta benissimo il vestito di ma*rs!!! Amo quegli orecchini *ç*
    baciiiii ❤

    1. grazie giadi, spero di fare preso un otfit completo^w^!! gli orecchini li adoro, amo i gioielli con i fiorii**


  3. Really nice coords ! <3
    Oh Gosh...I love that dress ! :3 It looks so good on you ! ^o^ And I love the jelwery too ! <3 Sweet ^^.

    1. thanks sweety, you'r always so kind >///<.
      yes, i relly love this dress, i reccomand it.

      I need more new jawels, i hope to find it more and more for the spring/summer :)!

  4. La collana che ho anche io!
    La fiona ha ripreso a vendere? :3

    1. non l'ho presa da fiona, ma da un altra tipa che la vendeva usata :)
      la fiona vedo che al momento è morta..peccato perchè volevo prendere altre collanine ç_ç

    2. ehhh infatti ç_ç è nell'oltretomba da un po' e non si può comprare niente ç_ç

  5. Ah, you are just too cute for words! I love all your outfits and new purchases! You are just so cute!

    1. thanks a lot dear >///<,you're so kind!
      i'm happy that like you the outfits^^, now that the weathes is better, i want wear more girly dress^0^!!

  6. That bag is just too cute! Love the MA*RS maxi dress too~

    1. yeah, is one of my fav bag, big and girlysh >w<! i'm happy that like it, and the dress too :3!!

  7. I love your boots - they look so cool! (´ ▽`).。o♡

    1. thanks honey^^! i love western style , and Liz Lisa made always wonderfull shoes**!

  8. So adorable! I really like your Ma*rs necklace and dress :3 Love your outfits~

    1. thank a lot dear ^///^ you0re so kind,
      i'm happy that like you the coord :3 , i hope to wear out the dress soon, when the weather i smore hot

  9. Your outfits are so cute! I love the black bag with the pink bow :3

    1. Arigato dear, thank for the sweet comment^^!
      i'm happy that like you the coord^^; the bag is damn lovely whit the pink bow, i love it!

  10. Love those earrings. Will be eagerly waiting for more.

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    1. arigatou for your comment^^

      and thank for the following, ^_^i'm visit your blog surely
