
mercoledì 6 aprile 2011

Shining spring

Spring is coming..finally^0^!!!! I love the sunny days...flower, icecream, dating whit my friends^^!
Here are some photos from yesterday afternoon ^^!

                                                   Yogurt icecream...so yummy >_<!!!

                                                                         Me ....
                                                               And whit my friend!

            After this...we go to the park..full of flower*_*!!!  I love going there when it's sunny.


I hope the weather is doing better every day ... and I hope to do more photos Gyaru the next time.ahahah ;P 

5 commenti:

  1. buonooo quel gelato!ke bella quella borsa *_*

  2. che bello il tuo outfit! poi il parco...xk da me non ce n'è manko uno T.T

  3. grazie ragazze^^!!si..il parco è spelndidio..sopratutto perchè non è invaso dai truzzi XD..che hanno migrato in altri posti.

  4. Quanto sei adorabile Kacchan!!!*w*
